Account Management

At Lost Boys Agency, our dedicated Account Management team is committed to optimizing account objectives and efficiently executing essential daily tasks.

The team

  • Client Manager
    Our Client Manager serves as the primary point of contact between the Creator and our operational team.
  • Account Manager
    Each Creator partnered with Lost Boys Agency benefits from personalized support from an assigned
  • Dedicated Account Staff
    What distinguishes Lost Boys Agency is our tailored team approach. A select team of three to five professionals is dedicated to each account.

Daily Operations

  • Caption Creation
    Our account team meticulously crafts captivating captions across all content formats to maximize engagement and conversion rates.
  • Selling Content at Scale
    Focused on maximizing sales, our account team strategically publishes content across various platforms, including stories, wall posts, PPV, and personalized content sales.
  • Custom Requests
    For custom requests, our account team efficiently manages the process, ensuring optimal pricing and seamless communication with the Creator.


  • Real-time Metrics
    Lost Boys Agency utilizes cutting-edge software integrated directly with platforms like OnlyFans, providing real-time fan insights to inform strategic adjustments.
  • Financial Projections
    We employ advanced analytics to monitor daily financial projections, leveraging historical data to sustain account success and preempt potential obstacles.
  • Exclusive Software: 4desire AI
    Under the banner of 4desire AI, we have developed proprietary software exclusively available to our clients.